Have you ever felt that rush of excitement after hitting “publish” on a new blog post, only to realize your journey has just begun? Of course you have. I know, because I’ve felt it too… in fact, I feel it all the time!

Let’s be real: creating high quality content is just half the battle. The real challenge lies in what you do next—how you get that valuable content in front of the right people. Now that’s the magic, right there.

After writing thousands of articles and through a healthy dose of trial and error, I’ve landed on a solid content promotion checklist that’s become my post-publishing playbook. Let’s dive in:

If you wanna snag a handy visual of my content promotion checklist, here’s an image you can save to your desktop… of maybe print it out and stick it right next to your computer? That’s what I’m doing right now 😂

RightBlogger Content Promotion Checklist for Bloggers

Alright, now let’s dive deeper into my content promotion checklist for bloggers.

1. A Fresh Set of Eyes: The Importance of Review

The first stop is reviewing your masterpiece. Picture this—your blog post is live for the world to see, only for you to later discover a glaring typo in the first paragraph. Cue facepalm 🤦‍♂️

To avoid these kinds of mishaps, I always give my post a full once-over read. Not obsessively, but enough to catch any sneaky errors I’ve made. This includes:

  • Checking for Formatting Mistakes: Because nobody likes a cluttered post with disorganized headings, lists, or long blocks of text without a breather.
  • Ensuring Calls-to-Actions and Buttons are Correct: CTAs are the gateways to engagement, but a broken button creates a bad user-experience.
  • Verifying Links and Table of Contents: Because leading your readers to a 404 page is not exactly the adventure they signed up for.

I recommend walking away from your article for at least a few minutes, maybe stepping outside, and coming back to it with fresh eyes for your once-over. This’ll help you take your writing in more easily through the eyes of your readers.

2. Technical SEO Checks

Next up, let’s do a technical SEO check. We’ve all heard the spiel about the importance of nailing your blog’s SEO fundamentals, but how many of us really take the time to double-check the key SEO elements of our posts?

That’s exactly why we built the handy RightBlogger Chrome Extension:

I use RightBlogger’s Chrome Extension to make sure my meta title, meta description, and technical tags are all in order, with just 1 click.

There’s a difference between just filling out these meta fields, and actually optimizing them to attract both readers and search engines. Trust me, taking a few minutes to do this can make a difference in your post’s visibility.

3. Sharing Your Content on (the Right) Social Channels

This is where the fun begins. Sharing your content is not just about plastering a link everywhere and hoping for the best. It’s about strategic engagement—being present and providing value on the platforms where your audience spends time online. Here’s how I go about sharing:

  • Personalized Promotion Strategies: We all have our platforms. For some, it’s pinning images on Pinterest; for others, it’s sparking conversations on LinkedIn, driving discussion on forums like Reddit & Quora, posting short-form videos on Instagram, or otherwise. Find where your audience hangs out and meet them there.
  • Embedding YouTube Videos: Got a video to go along with your blog post? Chef’s kiss. This is not only a smart way to keep your audience more engaged (and on your page longer), but it also opens up an entirely new discover platform on YouTube, the world’s second largest search engine.
  • Creating Snackable Video Content for TikTok or Instagram Reels: Because who doesn’t love bite-sized bits of brilliance? This can drive traffic back to your blog in a fun and engaging way, from these popular platforms.

4. Keeping the Conversation Going: Interacting with Your Audience

Congrats, your blog post is out in the wild! Now’s not the time to disappear on your people.

Blogger Stock Photo Ryan Robinson at Computer

Stay engaged with your audience, by taking these actions:

  • Monitoring Responses and Questions: Show your audience you’re not just a content robot. Be there to answer questions in the comments, on forums, and wherever you’re driving discussion around the topics of your post.
  • Scheduling Email Newsletters: Have an email list? Make sure they know about your latest work. It’s like sending a personal invitation to check out your post.
  • Engaging with Your Viewers: Be genuinely interested in their thoughts. This can turn a casual reader into a loyal follower.

5. Set a Reminder to Update Your Post

One of the greatest misconceptions about blogging, is that once you’ve published a new article, that post is set in stone. Think again. Updating your content over the coming months and years is crucial for keeping it relevant and ranking high in organic search engine results:

  • Setting Reminders for Regular Updates: Mark your calendar for a content check-up every 3-6 months. The more important the post feels to the overall goals of your site, the more frequently I recommend updating it.
  • Using a WordPress Plugin to Track Last Updated Date: This little trick can help you keep tabs on when a post last got some love.
  • Prioritizing Updates Based on Importance and Revenue Potential: Some posts are just more vital to your blog’s health than others. Keep them in tip-top shape.

6. Repurpose Your Content

Finally, let’s talk about squeezing every last drop of potential out of your content. Tools in platforms like RightBlogger can take the workload off by:

  • Generating Social Media Post Ideas: Stuck on what to post on social? Let AI brainstorm for you.
  • Repurposing Content: A blog post can transform into a video script, an infographic, or social media snippets. Diversity is key to reaching more audiences.
  • Creating Snackable Content: Bite-sized content can lure readers back to your full posts. Think of it as the appetizer to your main course.

My Content Promotion Checklist + Key Takeaways

So, there you have it. My comprehensive content promotion checklist. Remember, every piece of high quality content you create has potential—it’s all about how you present and preserve it.

Don’t let your hard work fade into the night, shine a light on the work you’ve brought to life. Implement this post-publishing checklist, and watch as your blog thrives and engage your peeps like never before.

In the end, the most important piece of advice I can offer is this: never stop experimenting. The Internet and what’s “working” is always shifting, and what works today may not pan out the same tomorrow. Stay curious, stay adaptable, and most importantly, stay genuine in your promotion efforts.

Your audience will notice and appreciate it. And who knows? With time and dedication, your blog has the potential to become the next big thing. You got this 💪