When working on SEO for your blog, you may encounter various types of keywords. Among these, branded keywords are often discussed. What is a branded keyword? Simply put, these are terms that incorporate a brand name or a specific product. Examples include names like “RightBlogger” or “Lululemon,” and even more specific phrases like “Lululemon yoga mats.”

What is a Branded Keyword?

A branded keyword incorporates the name of a brand or one of its products. Examples include “Apple” for the brand or “iPhone 14” for a product. These keywords are tied directly to the brand, unlike generic keywords that are broader and not brand-specific.

Branded keywords attract users who are already familiar with the brand and are often further along in the buying process. However, the ease of ranking for these terms varies significantly based on factors like the brand’s online authority, competition strength, and the keyword’s specificity.

This makes strategic use essential for content creators looking to leverage these terms effectively.

Branded Keywords: Seemingly Low Competition

Branded keywords, such as “Lululemon yoga mats” or “Squarespace reviews,” often come up in SEO tools as having high search volume with low competition. This might suggest they are golden opportunities for your content strategy.

The logic is straightforward: fewer people are competing for these terms, so you should have a better chance at ranking high, right?

The Reality of Ranking for Branded Keywords

However, there’s a twist in the narrative. Although these keywords appear less competitive, the reality on the ground is quite different. Searching for a term like “Lululemon yoga mats” predominantly pulls up Lululemon’s official site along with major retailers like Amazon. The presence of such heavyweight domains means the actual competition is fierce.

Furthermore, high-intent terms like “Squarespace reviews” might attract visitors with a strong purchase intent — ideal for driving affiliate sales. But here’s the catch: to genuinely compete for such terms, your site needs to have established substantial authority and longevity.

Newer sites or those with lower domain authority will find it challenging to make a mark against well-entrenched competitors.

Key Takeaways for Bloggers

Branded keywords might seem an alluring path due to apparent low competition and high search volumes, but they often prove to be more challenging than many keyword tools indicate. For bloggers, especially those just establishing their presence online, it’s important to approach these keywords with caution.

Here are some points to consider when using branded keywords:

  • Site Authority Matters: Your site’s age and authority play a crucial role in your ability to rank well for branded keywords.
  • Check the Competition: Always analyze the top-ranking pages for the keyword. If major brands dominate the search results, ranking high will be a significant challenge.
  • Adjust Your Strategy: Depending on your website’s current status, you might need to target less competitive niches initially.


In summary, while “What is a branded keyword?” might seem a simple query, the strategic approach to incorporating these into your content requires careful thought.

Branded keywords are not the low-hanging fruit they appear to be in keyword research tools. Ensure your SEO strategy and site readiness align well with the realities of these competitive terms, setting realistic targets and timelines for your SEO gains.

As always, keep researching, experiment with different keywords, and refine your strategies based on actual results and analytics.